My Inspirations

Over the years I've seen and also met personally many great artists and architects. Below I'm sharing the ones that either influenced the way I do things creatively or simply are worth checking out for inspiration.

● Alex Roman: The biggest inspiration to every architectural visualization artist. At least if you've been doing this for 10-15 years. He's the maker of "The Third and the Seventh" animation. Up to this day, I think it's the best arch viz animation ever created. And he did it in 2009!

● Viktor Fretyán: Another great 3D artist. His visualization style was something that inspired me from the very early days and still motivates me to learn new things. I consider his renderings to be still one of the best made in terms of capturing light and creating mood. I also recommend reading this interview with Viktor.

● Piotr Jablonski: Illustrator and one of the best concept artists in the world. A very cool guy which I also happen to know personally, talented yet very hard working. I love his style which sometimes reminds me of Zdzislaw Beksinski paintings. Both Piotr and Zdzislaw studied architecture.

● John Pawson: Minimalist architect and designer, the one who admired the most. I even used Pawson's buildings as examples in my graduation thesis. After moving to Germany I had the opportunity to admire Pawson's projects such as Moritzkirche or Wooden Chapel.

● Anna Philipp: An architect I truly admire for her projects and design philosophy. For over 300 years her family practiced carpentry and wooden house construction. She now carries the tradition as an architect together with her brother. I had a chance to see some of the projects in person. Villa Schatzlmayr is a truly inspirational one. You can also watch it here.


One of the things that really helped me out in becoming better in 3D was building my own library of references. I've included mine at the bottom of this page so you can download it and use it as a source of rendering ideas. But you should also build your own set of inspirational renderings and pictures. You don't have to do it in a single evening. I was creating mine over the years. Every time you see a rendering, an image you like on Facebook, Twitter, or any 3D CG-related forum or group, just save it. Over time this reference library will become priceless. It will be a tool for you to quickly find an inspiring mood or tone and apply it to your own works.

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