Before we Start

This Masterclass is not only for people, who want to create architectural visualizations. The techniques and tips I share apply to any 3D CG field and even beyond that! There are two reasons I've decided to focus on architecture. First, this masterclass is the extension of my Interior Visualization Secrets Course. If you've already finished it, then this Masterclass will greatly benefit the knowledge you already have. Second, architectural visualization is a great topic for every aspiring 3D professional to at least touch upon. Why?

Getting better at architectural visualization can only benefit you as a 3D professional. You'll be able to understand many technical and artistic aspects of computer graphics. At the same time, you're not getting too deep into the topics and overspecializing in any area. This is very important for people who only start with 3D CG and aren't sure who they want to become in the future.

Technical aspects of architectural visualization:

● Architectural Documentation Reading
● 3D Modeling
● Creating Materials
● Textures and UV Mapping
● Illumination and Rendering
● Post Production
● Animation Basics

Artistic aspects of architectural visualization:

● Scale and Proportions
● Composition
● Visual Storytelling
● Understanding Light

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