Practise & Short Quiz

Practicing will be an essential part of this Masterclass. I would like you to not only watch my videos but experiment and apply the newly learned skills. Before we continue, try spending some time answering the following questions:

Who is your inspiration?

Are you following any 3D artists or creators in general? Who inspires you and why them? Is it someone you've learned about in school, a childhood memory? Or someone you simply found on a site like Artstation or Behance?

What makes their renderings stand out?

What exactly do you like in the artworks of people you follow? Is it the style, story, colors, illumination, or something completely else? Try to be specific, even if you're not sure and you just "like their works in general".

Which style of renderings or images would you like to create?

Have you ever thought about developing your own artistic style? Do you have any artistic goals when thinking of getting better at 3D graphics? Perhaps you already have some artistic style preferences? Do you want to continue developing in that direction?

Complete and Continue